How artificial intelligence is used in Canada

How artificial intelligence is used in Canada

ChatGPT will have to squeeze in.

Probably, most of us on the planet have an idea of the technology of the future: there are flying cars, air cities, and technology that will replace humans. We are all under the influence of science fiction films and books of the second half of the twentieth century.

For years now, everyone from TV talk shows to top politicians has been discussing artificial intelligence. Everyone is especially concerned about the dangers it may cause, because everyone remembers the films "Terminator" and "A Space Odyssey: 2001". It was sci-fi writers and filmmakers who shaped the way we see the world.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's just fiction and fantasy and even the word intelligence does not quite fit here, because it is not intelligence at all, but only computers that calculate moves, as well as people, but they do it faster and make fewer mistakes.

Pictures, videos, and texts that "artificial intelligence programs" create are fiction. Some of the gawkers even wonder "why do we need writers and singers when computers can do the same thing?" Although one might ask "why evaluate what a machine does when poetry, film and music are manifestations of human talent and experience?"

And yet sometimes technology comes along that helps business, makes work easier, and promotes progress, if used as intended. The program ChatGPT, which appeared in November, caused quite a stir. Thanks to it, people are already doing their homework and writing their theses.

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  • #research in Canada
  • #artificial intelligence
  • #ChatGPT
  • #Cohere
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  • #startup visa