Quebec wants to help tenants with animals

Quebec wants to help tenants with animals

If the province passes a new law, landlords will not be able to prohibit keeping a pet in their rental housing.

On May 25, the Québec Solidaire party of Quebec submitted a new law for consideration. According to it, local landlords will not be allowed to prohibit those who have pets from renting their homes. If a landlord refuses a tenant because they have a pet, they will have to answer to the law. We are talking about fines and other lenient measures, not jail time. However, this is the first such case in Canada.

The prerequisite for this law was the problems of pet owners when renting. Finding an affordable option in Quebec is very difficult. Many people are forced to choose whether to give up their pet or live with them on the streets. Most animals are admitted to shelters in Quebec precisely because owners cannot find homes.

The party believes that parting with a pet is not only painful and difficult. They believe that it has a negative impact on people's health. According to data collected in the province, pet owners are 30% less likely to go to the doctor and get sick less often. And dogs and cats are also great companions for single people who care about their mental health.

The Quebec landlords' union has already called the law unfair and inappropriate. But they have no way of influencing the situation. Everything depends on the decision of the National Assembly. Ordinary Quebecers generally approve of the new law. In their opinion, it is quite fair, because pet owners will be obliged to reimburse landlords for pet damage.

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  • #Quebec laws
  • #animals in Canada
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  • #keeping pets in Canada