Assess chances

A major rally in support of Israel was held in Canada's capital city

A major rally in support of Israel was held in Canada

The event was not without its problems.

On Monday, December 4, hundreds of people gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, many carrying Israeli flags. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which organized the rally, described its purpose as a show of collective support in the face of overwhelming anti-Semitism.

Speakers cited numerous incidents in Canada, such as the shooting at Jewish schools, the Molotov cocktail thrown at a Jewish center, and many others.

Mysterious missing buses

The protesters came to Parliament Hill in an organized manner from Toronto on specially rented buses. However, despite the fact that more than a dozen of them arrived at the site, they were still not enough. The organizers said that the contractor provided 17 buses less than promised.

The buses were paid for in advance and confirmed prior to Monday's scheduled departure. When 17 fewer buses arrived at the venue, the contractor refused to explain. Some protesters traveled to the venue by alternative means.

Adam Minsky, chairman of Toronto's Jewish organization UJA, is convinced that the busing story is no accident:

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  • #rallies in Canada
  • #protests in Canada
  • #pro-Israel rallies in Canada
  • #support for Israel in Canada
  • #anti-Semitism in Canada
  • #Ottawa
  • #Arab-Israeli conflict
  • #Jewish organizations in Canada