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No one was injured, but police are already looking for a link between the incidents.

On the morning of November 9, Montreal police received two calls 30 minutes apart. In both cases, callers reported bullet holes in the front door of a Jewish school. The calls came from two different schools — and both had been shot at. Fortunately, no one was in either school at the time of the shooting. The aftermath was discovered by the first staff members who arrived in the morning.

The distance between the two schools is covered by a 10-minute drive. Police are looking for the perpetrators and evidence of a connection between the two incidents. So far, there are no suspects in the case, no one has been detained and it's not even clear what time the schools were shot at approximately. However, the city's mayor Valerie Plante has issued a stern message:

"You will answer for your actions. This is not who we are here in Montreal, we will not accept it."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also commented on the incident:

"The reports of overnight shootings at Jewish schools in Montreal are horrifying. I condemn these violent acts of antisemitism in the strongest terms possible – and I want to be clear: This hate has no place in Canada, and we must all stand united against it."

The shots came amid rising tensions in Montreal over the ongoing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East. Earlier this week, Molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue in a Montreal suburb. And on November 8, a fight broke out at Concordia University between Jewish students and Palestinian supporters, resulting in several injuries and one arrest.

In total, according to city police data, since the Arab-Israeli conflict escalated on Oct. 7, there have been 25 hate incidents targeting Arab-Muslim communities and 73 incidents targeting Jewish communities — a total of 98.

Last year, Montreal police counted a cumulative 72 hate crimes — for the entire year of 2022.

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  • #Montreal shooting
  • #Jewish school shooting
  • #crime in Canada
  • #hate crimes
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