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Do Canadians support immigration?

Do Canadians support immigration?

A new poll shows what residents think about immigration and its level.

A recent online survey by Research Co. found that most Canadians have a positive view of immigration. About 75% of Native people believe that immigrants' work makes the country a better place to live. And nearly 65% say the government should not call everyone, but only those who embrace Canadian values.

The survey results were released shortly after authorities announced a new immigration plan for 2022-2024, under which Canada will seek to admit more than 431,500 people this year and more than 1.3 million by the end of 2024.

The study asked respondents about the impact of immigration on Canada, whether the government should increase or decrease immigration, whether newcomers make the country a better place, and whether they should embrace Canadian values.

When it comes to opinions about immigration in general, 54% of respondents nationwide agreed that immigration has a mostly positive effect. Only 26% think immigration has a more negative effect on the country, and the remaining 19% had difficulty answering.

Among the provinces, residents of Ontario (58%), Quebec and Alberta (56% each) are most positive about immigration. In Saskatchewan and Manitoba, opinions were divided: in both provinces 40% of people support immigration and 39% do not, with the rest giving no definite answer.

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