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No more wildfires

No more wildfires

Ontario authorities are ready for the hottest period of the year.

The province of Ontario has developed plans and guidelines for combating natural fires. Particular attention is paid to the safety of natural areas near communities and critical infrastructure.

"Our teams are closely monitoring weather conditions to detect fires early. When they do hit, Ontario’s fire rangers, pilots and support staff are prepared to battle these fires and protect Ontarians," said Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Approximately 50 percent of all forest fires are caused by humans.

"With wildland fire season soon upon us, it’s vitally important that we have a plan in place to respond to crises quickly. Ontario’s Provincial Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan is our emergency response toolkit to ensure Ontario is safe, practiced, and prepared at all times," said Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister responsible for Emergency Management in Ontario.

Ontario works to fight wildfires, protect local communities and maintain public safety by working with community leaders, Indigenous organizations and other agencies.

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  • #Ontario safety
  • #wildfires in Canada
  • #wildfires in Ontario
  • #Canadians safety
  • #Prabmeet Sarkaria
  • #Graydon Smith
  • #forests in Canada
  • #protecting Canada's forests
  • #protecting Ontario's forests