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Saskatchewan premier reminds teachers of responsibility for not following laws

Saskatchewan premier reminds teachers of responsibility for not following laws

The provincial chief commented on a recent petition.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe responded to reporters when asked about the responsibility of teachers for failing to comply with the so-called Parents' Bill of Rights. He noted that there are no protocols yet, but they will have to be created if there are precedents for violations:

"I guess we would ask the school divisions at some point, ‘What is the policy that you have in place when you have an employee that isn't following not only a policy, but it is now the law of the province?"

In total, the province's secondary education system consists of 27 school divisions.

Moe's unequivocal message was addressed to dozens of teachers who signed a petition urging them not to comply with what they see as a criminal and dangerous law. Bill 137, passed in October, prohibits children under 16 from changing their names or pronouns at school without parental consent.

The New Democratic Party in opposition to the Saskatchewan government, represented by its head Carla Beck, has backed teachers who are resisting the introduction of the law. Beck called it "ill thought" and promising to cause many problems:

"Our bottom line is that Bill 137 should be scrapped. There were all these reasonably foreseeable consequences of that bill; for teachers how that would be handled, for school boards, for social workers who have a code of ethics and the Child Protection Act.” 

Beck noted that none of this would have happened if the Bill's authors had listened to other voices in Parliament during the debate.

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  • #life in Canada
  • #Saskatchewan teachers' petition
  • #Saskatchewan protests
  • #petitions in Canada
  • #Canadian society
  • #schooling in Canada
  • #gender in Canada
  • #Saskatchewan
  • #Saskatchewan pronoun law
  • #Scott Moe
  • #Carla Beck