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Trudeau creates Canada's National Security Council

Trudeau creates Canada

What will the new Council do?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the new National Security Council will be responsible for "overseeing" the new challenges the country "increasingly faces" and setting "strategic direction" to combat them.

Following cabinet reshuffles on Wednesday this week, the Prime Minister's Office said the changes would affect more than just the Cabinet. "In the coming weeks" a National Security Council will be set up, with its roster to be announced very soon.

In a statement to the media, Alison Murphy, spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, called the Security Council "a new forum for ministers to discuss and address issues that are pressing domestic and international security concerns for Canada."

When asked why a cabinet-level council was needed, and how the National Security Council would differ from existing government structures that work in this area, Trudeau did not give a detailed answer, but promised that details would be revealed once the council is established.

"It is an additional tool on top of the other ones we have, and we're very excited about presenting [it] to Canadians. We're working right now, and will be making an announcement in the coming weeks about how it's going to work," Trudeau said.

The decision to create the new council came amid months of scrutiny of the federal government, amid allegations of foreign interference and a number of stories about federal security and intelligence agencies having trouble tracking emerging threats and sharing information across agencies.

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  • #Justin Trudeau
  • #Canadian government
  • #Trudeau government
  • #Canadian politics
  • #Canadian domestic politics
  • #Liberal Party of Canada
  • #Canadian ministers
  • #Canadian Prime Minister
  • #Canadian National Security Council
  • #Dominic LeBlanc