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Ghost hunters in New Brunswick have checked out a former prison building

Ghost hunters in New Brunswick have checked out a former prison building

Enthusiasts used the new equipment to search for the ghost.

A group of ghost hunters in New Brunswick spent Halloween in the most appropriate of ways. The paranormal enthusiasts traveled to a former prison building to see if the spirit of one of the inmates, creepy killer Tom Collins, still haunted it.

Who's that?

Collins is believed to have axed the cousin of a priest he worked for in 1906. He was tried three times in the case — and found guilty three times while in prison. Nevertheless, the controversy over his involvement in Mary Ann's death still rages on. Tom was the only inmate ever hanged in the Albert County jail, and one of the last to be hanged in New Brunswick.

The site of the prison is now a museum complex. Manager Janet Clouston claims that the ghost of Collins still haunts the cell, and this is what enthusiasts from the Hub City Paranormal Center decided to check on Sunday before Halloween. They investigated the entire former prison, paying special attention to the cell where convict Collins spent more than a year locked up.

How did the "testing" take place?

Paranormal researchers set up night vision cameras and used radio frequency recorders to record the voices of the dead. A group of guys spent about three hours in almost total darkness in a room with the very murder weapon — an axe.

The activists invited everyone to join them. At least one of those present insists that she felt someone's presence in the cell and heard a man's voice. However, for a final conclusion, the team plans to review the video from the scene and verify the data from the devices.

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  • #Halloween in Canada
  • #New Brunswick
  • #New Brunswick museums
  • #New Brunswick museums
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  • #Albert County Museum
  • #legends of Canada
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