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Working as a doctor in Russia and Canada: where it's better and why

Working as a doctor in Russia and Canada: where it

Nursing is one of the most in-demand professions in Canada. Foreigners with a nursing degree immigrate here quickly and find work just as quickly. But can the same be said about doctors? It is much more complicated here...

Health care in Canada is a very complicated topic. On the one hand, medical professionals, or as they are called in Canada, health professionals, are really highly valued here and earn a lot of money. In this sense the comparison is absolutely not in favour of, for example, Russia. On the other hand, after immigration Russian doctors in Canada are sure to face enormous difficulties... But let's go through it in order.

In this article, we'll look at:

  • the level of physician workload;
  • the amount of wages;
  • the Canadian education system;
  • stages of licensing a physician with a foreign credential;
  • opportunities for immigration in the medical profession.

Working conditions: you have to work for two people in both countries

Load level

The work of a doctor is not easy both in Russia and in Canada. This profession is associated with health risks, high emotional stress and constant overexertion.

One of the reasons is regular work in excess of the norm. Doctors work on average more than 10 hours a day, not to mention the fact that they have to work at weekends and on public holidays. And this applies to both countries: both countries do not have enough doctors and medical staff are forced to work overtime to "cover" the shortage of manpower.

As a result, doctors either go on strike (as has recently been happening en masse in Russia), or medical institutions significantly reduce their working hours (such facts have been recorded, including in Canada). Furthermore, in Canada, in order to avoid overtime, medics are specially arranged to work part-time. In this case, even with overtime, they work regular hours. In general, medics in both countries get by as best they can.

Level of wages

We have to admit that the heavy workload is only one of the reasons why medics are on strike in Russia. The second strongest factor is low salaries. There is a striking difference between Russia and Canada on this issue.

For illustrative purposes, we have compiled a table of salaries for representatives of various medical professions (according to, Of course, the figures may differ depending on the region, type of institution, qualification category of the doctor and other nuances. But the general trend remains the same.

Specialty Average salary in Russia Average wage in Canada
General practitioner 44 600 rubles RUB 518,700
Nurse 28 300 rubles 250 000 rubles
Therapist (family doctor) 43 100 rubles 576 300 rubles
Obstetrician-gynecologist 58 800 rubles RUB 538,000
Psychologist 22 400 rubles 302 600 rubles
Dentist 46 000 rubles 420 200 rubles
Surgeon 45 200 rubles RUB 780 500
Pharmacist 34 800 rubles 355 400 rubles
Veterinarian 39 400 rubles 307 400 rubles

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