Assess chances

Canada has chosen the most beloved and disliked provinces

Canada has chosen the most beloved and disliked provinces

Alberta surprises!

Leger conducted a survey for Postmedia of 1,516 Canadians to find out their commitment to a region of the country. Respondents were asked two questions: what is your favourite province and what is your least favourite province. The results were surprising.

When asked to name their favorite province other than their own, most responded: British Columbia. 30% is an absolute record; Alberta, the next most popular, received half as many votes. The list looks like this:

Why did Canadians choose British Columbia? More than half of respondents said the province's geography and landscape was a major factor, with 42% mentioning nature. 27% said British Columbia is the region with the most pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

In the question of disliked provinces, Quebec won by a wide margin (21%). And, strange as it may seem, Alberta is in second place again! But if in the first case, respondents praised it for its nature, here is something else important for Canadians: as in Quebec, they do not like the inhabitants of the region.

In addition, many described Quebec as "a very serious threat to national unity. As for the other responses: Saskatchewan and Manitoba were considered boring, and Ontario was described as too restless.

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  • #Canadian provinces
  • #Canadians about provinces
  • #life in Canada
  • #British Columbia
  • #Quebec
  • #Alberta
  • #polls in Canada
  • #move to British Columbia
  • #nature of British Columbia
  • #francophones in Canada