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The most ambitious project in Canada's nation-building history

The most ambitious project in Canada

The Canadian government has announced a concept for a new, clean electricity system.

Canada has created one of the most environmentally friendly electricity systems in the world. More than 80% of the country's electricity is produced from non-polluting sources. And Canada's leadership believes the country is well-positioned to remain a world leader in clean electricity and is committed to decarbonizing what still needs to be decarbonized and increasing the supply of clean, reliable and affordable electricity to create a zero-pollution future.

At the same time, Canada understands that the more Canadians use electrified public transport, switch to electric vehicles, switch to electric pumps for water extraction and their homes, and businesses and industries switch to clean technology, the more demand for clean electricity will grow. And the country is preparing for it.

Today, Jonathan Wilkonson — Canada's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources — announced the Powering Canada Forward (PCF) strategy. PCF is the Government of Canada's vision for transforming the country's electricity sector to decarbonize the electricity grid by 2035, and to ensure that electricity systems are reliable and the cost of electricity is affordable for communities. It is reported that this project is the most ambitious in the history of Canada's nation-building.

Powering Canada Forward highlights the critical importance of decarbonizing the country's electricity systems as one step towards achieving zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this, the government is inviting Canadians to participate in a national discussion on a PCF strategy. This discussion should inform the development of Canada's first clean electricity strategy, which will be published in 2024.

Powering Canada Forward recognizes the pace and scale needed to transform the electricity system across the country. The document announcing the PCF will serve as a framework for the federal government to accelerate work in the coming months with partners on the ground — provinces, territories, Indigenous leaders, municipalities, industry representatives, the private and financial sectors, unions and civil society representatives — to ensure Canada's competitiveness in an increasingly decarbonized global economy and make life easier for electricity consumers. This work will strengthen partnerships with Indigenous people, create new jobs, provide new economic opportunities in every region of the country, and strengthen the fight against the climate crisis.

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  • #Canada
  • #Environment Canada
  • #environmental protection in Canada
  • #power system in Canada
  • #Jonathan Wilkinson
  • #green technology in Canada
  • #Canada's new power system
  • #Powering Canada Forward
  • #public construction in Canada