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Your favorite restaurant could close for good!

Your favorite restaurant could close for good!

And this is no idle rumour: restaurateurs in Canada are seriously concerned about the situation

According to Restaurants Canada, if government subsidies for rent and wages are cut starting July 4, as planned by the government, most restaurants will find it very difficult to pay their staff and vendors. And then at least half of the eateries will have to consider closing if the situation doesn't change.

Regular restaurant customers, industry professionals and suppliers are calling on the federal government to keep the current level of support for catering businesses at the same level. After all, the restaurant business is one area of the economy that is still forced to exist under current restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working together as part of the "Coalition for Restaurant Survival", they are demanding the government repeal the planned phase-out of rent and wage subsidies for restaurant businesses. This measure remains the most important one that Restaurants Canada is promoting as part of a much-needed package of support for restaurant businesses.

"Even with most provinces already phasing out of quarantine, restaurants across the country will be operating with limited capacity for the next few months," said Restaurants Canada president and CEO Todd Barclay. — Most restaurants lost revenue every day of the pandemic, and it will take at least another year before they manage to return to some semblance of normalcy. Half of our industry will face the risk of closure if government support stops too soon."

Save Canada's restaurants together!

According to a survey by Restaurants Canada, 8 out of 10 restaurants across the country have been operating at a loss to themselves or almost none throughout the pandemic, and 45% of caterers have been steadily losing revenue for more than a year. If rent and wage subsidies are cut starting July 4, many restaurateurs will have to consider saying goodbye to their favorite business forever. However, such a bleak future not only can, but must be fought.

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  • #restaurants in Canada
  • #restaurant business in Canada
  • #restaurant business crisis in Canada
  • #restaurants burrowing in Canada
  • #subsidies for restaurant business in Canada
  • #government support for restaurant business in Canada
  • #COVID-19 pandemic
  • #Restaurants Canada
  • #Coalition for Restaurant Survival in Canada
  • #Canadian government
  • #Canadian economy
  • #Canadian restaurant sector
  • #national economy in Canada
  • #restaurant jobs in Canada
  • #waiter jobs in Canada
  • #Canadian restaurant customers