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What will post-pandemic Canada be like?

What will post-pandemic Canada be like?

Canadian opinion is divided on this point.

The Canadian Centre for Applied and Social Research at the University of Saskatchewan conducted a new study among 1,000 Canadians.

Participants were asked to imagine a world in which COVID-19 was under control and to choose which areas of life they thought the virus would have a positive or negative effect on.

60% of those surveyed believe the pandemic will have a negative impact on the economy and travel, while 52% of Canadians worry the situation will have a dire effect on personal income.

As for online education, which became forced during the pandemic, 63% of those surveyed believe it will be positively impacted in the future. At the same time, though, 54% of Canadians believe it is a poor learning option for children.

An interesting fact was the assumption by 61% of Canadians that after a pandemic, people will continue to wear masks during seasonal illnesses such as the flu.

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  • #post-pandemic Canada