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Canada invests $11 Million CAD in healthy eating

Canada invests $11 Million CAD in healthy eating

The Minister of Health announced funding for healthy eating support programs in the country.

A meeting of the Public Health Agency of Canada was held in Ottawa, where Canada's Health Minister, Mark Holland, announced a new program to support healthy eating in the country. More than $11 million CAD will be allocated to Canadian organizations, including the "Farm to Cafeteria Canada Society," the "Guelph Community Health Centre," and the "Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation."

These organizations will receive funding to develop and implement projects aimed at creating healthy food environments and promoting healthy eating among the population. The program focuses on ensuring access.

  • #Canada
  • #healthy eating
  • #funding
  • #projects
  • #organizations
  • #support
  • #healthcare
  • #investments
  • #healthy lifestyle
  • #Minister of Health
  • #Mark Holland