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Residents of Vancouver are calling for extended beach hours during the summer

Residents of Vancouver are calling for extended beach hours during the summer

Residents are unhappy with the tightening of regulations.

Vancouver residents are actively advocating for extended operating hours at the city's beaches during the summer. This request gained traction after a photo was posted on social media, showing rangers and police urging visitors to leave English Bay on a Sunday evening.

"It’s a silly bylaw," said Jeremy Omand, a Vancouver resident who has had to leave the beaches several times. "We’re in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The beach is one of the main aspects people come here for."

Commissioner Tom Digby expressed his disappointment that visitors have to leave the waterfront at such times.

"People are just trying to enjoy the sunset down at English Bay," he explained. "We have this constant police surveillance now."

In May, the Vancouver City Council approved additional funding for the police as part of a pilot project allowing alcohol consumption at seven city beaches. The administration emphasized that working with the police is aimed at ensuring safety during the increased beach attendance in summer.

  • #beaches
  • #Vancouver
  • #operating hours
  • #police
  • #public safety
  • #legislation
  • #residents
  • #frustration
  • #criticism
  • #social media