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What does Trump's arrest mean for Canada?

What does Trump

What is known about the judicial persecution of the former President of America and how will it affect Canada?

The high-profile arrest of Donald Trump has become the main event of the day, and the whole world is following it, expecting a storm in the political arena of the United States. This is the first arrest of a president in the history of the United States. At the moment, it is too early to draw any conclusions, but we have analyzed the opinions of political scientists regarding the impact of this event on Canada.

Earlier, the office of the Manhattan District Attorney reclassified 34 charges against Donald Trump as criminal. This means that the actions of the former president are considered not only as offenses but as real crimes by the US justice system. The main accusation against Trump is the falsification of documents to influence the 2016 election campaign.

During the election campaign, Trump's lawyer paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, a porn star with whom married Donald had a relationship in 2006. The money was paid to her for her silence, as her revelations could prevent the former lover from becoming the head of state.

Adultery, while condemned by society, is not a crime in the United States, nor is concealing it. However, the main problem is that Trump's lawyer classified the payment to Stormy as payment for legal services, which is already a real falsification of documents, and intending to influence the course of the election campaign.

Political scientists say that it is still too early to assert anything specific, but they are already predicting political instability in the United States. The confrontation between Republicans and Democrats has intensified, and the country is plunging into political uncertainty, which, against the backdrop of the recent collapse of major banks, may lead to economic problems.

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