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Ontario municipalities invest generously in the well-being of residents

Ontario municipalities invest generously in the well-being of residents

Ontario municipalities invest generously in the well-being of residents

The impact of the pandemic affected the well-being of many municipalities in Canada. To ensure their infrastructure is safe and secure, governments have decided to support families, businesses and communities. The Governments of Canada and Ontario are investing more than $51 million CAD to protect the health and well-being of residents in 129 municipalities across the province.

Funding will support the development of modern accessible recreational facilities, as well as equipment replacement in health care facilities and emergency departments. Other investments include expanding the capacity of the transportation system, and upgrading municipal infrastructure and community centres to provide safe and inclusive spaces for residents of Southwest, Midwest and Central Ontario.

An example of one of the funded projects is the renovation of Sunnyside Nursing Home in Waterloo Region. Funding for this project included: the purchase of two new generators, upgrading heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to improve air quality.

In Waterloo, upgrades to paths, parks and woodlands are also planned, which will improve active transport infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists. According to planners, the changes will allow visitors and residents to enjoy nature while staying active.

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  • #living in Canada
  • #living in Ontario
  • #government of Canada
  • #government of Ontario
  • #investment in Canada
  • #health of Canadians
  • #financing in Canada
  • #infrastructure in Canada
  • #inclusion in Canada
  • #nursing homes in Canada
  • #pandemic in Canada
  • #covid in Canada
  • #safety in Canada