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Canada will build a hybrid of a train and an airplane

Canada will build a hybrid of a train and an airplane

It will accelerate up to 1000 km/h.

The Canadian company TransPod has unveiled plans to create an all-electric train that can travel at a speed of 1,000 km/h. It is assumed that a ticket for it will be 44% cheaper than a plane ticket.

The FluxJet project is called a hybrid of a train and an airplane; the train will travel at ultra-high speeds through a protected tube using the innovative "veillance flux" technology. The operating principles are similar to Elon Musk's famous "hyperloop": the train's capsules are controlled by magnetic levitation, and vacuum tubes allow them to move at enormous speeds.

The idea is that the train will work exclusively in a network system, called the TransPod Line, with stations in major cities and key locations.

The proposed first phase of the $18 billion CAD infrastructure project would link Calgary and Edmonton, which are about 300 kilometers, or three hours, away.

The FluxJet is three times faster than the high-speed train, which means that it will reduce travel time to 45 minutes. It is specified that the hybrid will travel faster than an airplane.

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