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Winnipeg firefighters resuscitated a cat on Christmas Day

Winnipeg firefighters resuscitated a cat on Christmas Day

She passed out from the smoke.

Christmas didn't go flawlessly for everyone in Manitoba's capital city. The Winnipeg City Fire Department responded to as many as two fires less than 12 hours apart. In both cases, rescuers worked quickly, and thankfully, both stories ended safely.

At 9 p.m. on Christmas Eve, a fire was reported by the occupants of a private home, the cause of which was the careless operation of a propane fryer. By half past 11 p.m., the fire was extinguished. As a precautionary measure evacuated not only the occupants of the house that caught fire, but also the neighboring house. None of the people were injured.

During the extinguishment, firefighters found an unconscious cat inside. They were able to resuscitate it and safely return it to its owner. In the end, the only unpleasant consequence was a severely fire, smoke and water damaged houses. Firefighters reminded owners that fryers heat oil to very high temperatures and therefore require extra caution when in use.

On the morning of Dec. 25, before 7 o'clock, a second call came in — to a vacant two-storey house on fire in another part of Winnipeg. The cause of the fire remains unknown at this time. There were no occupants in the building at the time of the fire.

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  • #Christmas in Winnipeg
  • #Manitoba
  • #life in Canada
  • #incidents in Canada
  • #Canadian firefighters
  • #Manitoba firefighters
  • #cat rescue in Canada