How long does it take to learn English?

How long does it take to learn English?

Let's find out how soon you can get closer to your English learning goal and what factors affect it.

It is no secret that knowledge of English is one of the most sought-after competencies for smooth communication and continuous development in the modern world. Since it is an international language, its knowledge is required for both everyday communication and professional development.

This is why many people today strive to master English sufficiently to perform the necessary tasks. Those who start English classes have a common question: how much time should I spend on learning English?

This can be a difficult question to answer, as there are a number of different factors that will come into play. Today we will try to break them down to understand and plan how much time we will need.

Defining the level

At the very beginning, it is worth defining what we mean by the concept of "learning" English. In the world, it is generally accepted to classify language levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In order to understand how much time we need to spend on learning English, we need to decide what level we are at now and what level we should aim for.

This classification identifies six levels of foreign language proficiency with a corresponding set of necessary competencies for each level that a learner should possess.

  • General English for students beginning their journey at the elementary and intermediate levels.
  • Cambridge English for those who want to reach a fluent level.
  • Pre-entry preparation, which prepares you for undergraduate and graduate programs and allows you to enter without taking an additional international exam.
  • IELTS test preparation will help you prepare to pass the international exam with the right score.
  • Business English will help you learn the language to communicate in a professional setting.

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  • #English language
  • #English language learning
  • #English level
  • #English for work
  • #English for study
  • #English for moving
  • #English learning objectives