Quebec again invited more than a thousand candidates

Quebec again invited more than a thousand candidates

The province held another major cull.

The Province of Quebec has released the results of the October 26 drawing. As in all recent selections, invitations were sent to a large number of qualified individuals, this time totaling 1,220.

This time, one of three criteria had to be met in order to receive an invitation:

  1. Have a job offer outside of Montreal and its suburbs;
  2. Or have oral French at level 7 in the provincial grading system (above average) and score 465 points in the Arrima grading system, and have one of the suitable occupations:
  3. Or Master oral French at level 7 in the provincial grading system (above average) and score 608 points in the Arrima grading system, and have one of the eligible occupations:

In the Arrima system, points are awarded for language skills (primarily French), education, work experience, age, profession, and having a job offer in Quebec.

The previous provincial selection was held Sept. 21, at which time, too, those who found work outside of Montreal or had an in-demand profession were chosen.

Quebec is the only province in Canada with its own immigration system. The region sets the criteria for selecting candidates independently of the federal government.

Follow the history of Quebec selections so you don't miss your chance to immigrate.

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