I want to express my deep gratitude for your wonderful website where everything is lined up and clear. Special thanks to Ivanna for the invaluable consultation. Although I searched the entire Internet for information on immigration, still a conversation with a real person who lives in Canada, especially since this person is a regulated consultant, was very cool and inspiring.
I booked a 30-minute consultation and I later regretted not choosing a 1-hour option, because it was very interesting to talk with Ivanna, and this time was not enough. The consultation gave us real assessments, advice on what we should do, what steps to take. Even if these 30 minutes were not enough for us, the next day Ivanna sent us a full report on the consultation, which indicated our professions, job prospects in different provinces with wages.
Well, in general, the consultation helped us to determine our goals! I would advise everyone to consult, even if you have searched for information on different sites before, you can really make sure whether you are on the right track or not by asking some questions. Thank you.