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Canadians want re-election, immigration is changing, and other news

Canadians want re-election, immigration is changing, and other news

Sharing important news from the last week of 2022.

Canadians will remember the last weeks of 2022 for abnormal weather. There was a storm in many cities, which caused flight cancellations, electricity cutting off in houses, and many accidents on the roads. Some people couldn't even get home and spent the night in a supermarket.

One city in the province of British Columbia faced another problem after the storm — flooding. The water partially flooded cars and approached the enterprises located near the shore.

And a village in the province of Ontario literally turned into frames from movies. Because of the storm and frost, buildings and cars were covered with a thick layer of ice. The ice crust reaches almost 30 cm. Niagara Falls was also partially frozen. Ice covered not only the water but the entire observation deck.

Christmas and New Year are over, but you often have gifts you don’t need or don’t like after the holidays. In Canada, such gifts can be returned. We talked about the return policy in different stores.

Changes in immigration programs

There have been some changes regarding immigration. The Home Childcare Provider and Home Support Worker Pilot Programs were divided into two categories. Applications will now be accepted separately from those who don't have Canadian work experience, and separately from those who do. Nannies and caregivers will first apply for a work visa, then they will need to gain 2 years of experience, and after that, they can apply for permanent residency in Canada.

Entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals who want to move to Quebec won't be able to do so if they don't speak French. Applications for the Entrepreneur and Self-Employed Programs will only be accepted from candidates who can demonstrate a good oral command of French.

5 occupations became eligible to participate in the Global Talent Stream. This is a program through which Canadian employers can hire highly qualified professionals. The list includes civil, electrical and electronic, mining, aerospace, and computer engineers.

Processing immigration applications

2022 was a record year for Canada in terms of processing applications. The total number of applications in the queue decreased by half a million. Now applications for many immigration programs are processed within the required time frame: 6–12 months. Also in 2022, the Department of Immigration took some measures that will allow the country to invite more workers from abroad in the future.

Canada's problems

As for ordinary Canadians, many began to save in 2022. The economic situation and inflation are to blame. Most respondents in a survey spent less money on vacation. Also, many saved on entertainment and gifts, and some save on food.

Another problem is medicine. There is a huge shortage of doctors and nurses in the country. Many Canadians are even willing to pay more taxes if the money goes into healthcare.

Most residents blame the current Prime Minister for the problems. A new survey has found that nearly half of Canadians expect an early election in 2023. At the same time, 54% of respondents want to re-elect the government.

What to expect in the new year

What to expect from 2023? What will be the prices, taxes, government assistance in Canada, and what will change in immigration and employment? Read our article on this topic.

Separately, we analyzed the changes that will occur in the payment of taxes. They affected income tax, pension contributions, and tax-free savings accounts.

Immigration draws

Last week, only one province, Manitoba, held draws. On December 29, 16 citizens of Ukraine were invited. The next day, the general draw took place. Manitoba selected 280 specialists and university graduates.

Alex Pavlenko, founder of the emigration portal Immigrant.Today

  • #Canada news
  • #abnormal weather in Canada
  • #storm in Canada
  • #flood in Canada
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