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The Canadian population wants the Trudeau government to leave in 2023

The Canadian population wants the Trudeau government to leave in 2023

The next election term is 2025. But an Ipsos poll shows that most Canadians are ready to say goodbye to their current prime minister as soon as next year.

Despite the best efforts, it seems that the Trudeau government and its policies are not popular with Canadians. Survey results show that 49% of Canadians hope for a federal election, while 43% strongly believe that re-election will take place.

By province, the vote was divided as follows:

There is also a disparity by age group. 65% of Canadians aged 18 to 34 say they want to re-elect the government, but less than 50% of those aged 35 and older want an election.

In the poll, a large number of respondents said they did not want to see Justin Trudeau as a contender. That's 54% of all respondents.

But if we compare Trudeau and his opponent Pierre Poilievre, support for the former remains at 45% and the latter at 41%. The current prime minister leads the Liberal party, while his opponent leads the Conservative party.

According to the poll, the most popular leader in Canada is Jagmeet Singh. His candidacy was endorsed by 53%. Of the candidates, Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party, is worth noting. Her rating is 39%.

Ipsos conducted the survey from December 14 to 16, 2022. A total of 1,004 Canadians aged 18 years and older took part. The survey was conducted online. Ipsos measures the accuracy of the surveys and says the margin of error can be as low as ±3.5%.

  • #Canadian politics
  • #Canadian news
  • #Canadian prime minister
  • #Canadian elections
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