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The largest job fair in Canada and other news

The largest job fair in Canada and other news

The most important events of the week from 20 to 26 February.

Artificial intelligence is being actively introduced into life, including in Canada. A Canadian brewery has created a new beer recipe using ChatGPT. The bar staff had previously used it to write social media posts, but then they got the idea to make a request to create a recipe. It turned out to be successful for home brewing, and large production needed some adjustments.

Movie lovers will be able to visit the International Film Festival. The event will run from March 8 to 19 in Ottawa cinemas. There you will be able to watch full-length and short films that are not released in regular cinemas.

Opportunities in Canada

Good news for job seekers. Registration for the annual Destination Canada job fair is in progress. It is primarily for those who know French. This year the fair will be dedicated to such areas as tourism, hospitality, and culinary, as well as information and communication technologies.

And for those who do not know English, we have a great offer. We offer to study English at home online at a Canadian language school for only $5 per hour. Our company is an official agent and provides more favourable conditions and special offers.

Life in Canada

5 Canadian business incubators and accelerators are among the top 10 business support organizations in the world. The support of such companies is necessary for those who are going to immigrate to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program.

After moving, many people quickly think about buying a home, but real estate prices in Canada are quite high. Those who want to buy a home in Toronto need to earn more than CAN$ 200,000 a year, according to But there is a city in which real estate has become more affordable, this is Hamilton. To buy a home in this city, you need to have an income of CAN$ 159,000 a year.

Immigration draws

On February 22, British Columbia held a draw. A total of 246 people were invited. Skilled workers, international graduates, and semi-skilled workers participated in the general round. While educators, healthcare professionals, and veterinarians were selected in the targeted draw.

On February 23 and 24, there were draws in Manitoba. The province sent out 596 invitations. 13 of them were received by Ukrainians, and the rest by skilled workers in Manitoba, skilled workers overseas, and university graduates. Also, part of the invitations was sent to candidates with in-demand occupations. This was the first targeted draw in Manitoba.

Alex Pavlenko, founder of the Immigrant.Today emigration portal

  • #ChatGPT
  • #AI Canada
  • #AI Canada
  • #Film Festival Canada
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