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Manitoba issued 566 more invitations to immigrate

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Manitoba issued 566 more invitations to immigrate

The province continues to conduct general and targeted immigration shenanigans.

On March 23, Manitoba held a new draw under the provincial immigration program in which 566 people were invited. There was a general draw and a target one.

Candidates from several streams were invited to participate in the general draw:

The targeted drawing selected skilled workers in Manitoba with specific occupations. Invitations were extended to 266 candidates who scored 612 points or more and had occupations in the following areas:

  • technical trades and transportation officers and controllers;
  • mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators, and related maintenance workers;
  • helpers and labourers and other transport drivers, operators and labourers;
  • machine operators, assemblers and inspectors in processing, manufacturing and printing;
  • labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities.

Recently, Manitoba has been conducting targeted draws along with general draws to retain in-demand professionals who are already working in the province.

Also, of all the invited candidates, 82 were registered in the federal Express Entry system.

Manitoba's previous immigration draw was held on March 9. Passing scores were lower for skilled workers overseas and higher for skilled workers in Manitoba. The province assesses age, work experience, language skills, education, and connections to Manitoba and other regions of Canada.

Follow the history of Manitoba's immigration draws to improve your chances of immigration.

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