British Columbia's new draw for in-demand candidates

British Columbia

More than a hundred people are invited to immigrate.

On February 28, British Columbia held a targeted immigration draw under the provincial immigration program. Applicants with in-demand occupations were invited.

The province selected a total of 169 people who applied for the following streams:

The invitations were distributed as follows:

The technicians needed to score 83 points in the evaluation system. Compared to the previous draw, which took place on February 14, the passing score remained the same. The other candidates needed to score 60 points, the same as in the previous drawing.

B.C. awards points for education, work experience, language skills, the employer's location in the province, and the wage offered. It is mandatory to have a job offer in B.C.

Follow the provincial draw history to stay up-to-date on passing scores and invitations.

  • #BC immigration
  • #BC PNP immigration
  • #BC PNP Canada program
  • #BC PNP Canada immigration
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