Assess chances

Saskatchewan has slowed down

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Saskatchewan has slowed down

The province invited significantly fewer candidates than in previous months.

On October 23, Saskatchewan held an immigration screening for its own provincial program. A total of 99 applicants were invited:

Candidates had to score at least 84 points in the evaluation system. Points were awarded for factors such as work experience, education, language skills, age and provincial ties. In addition, all invitees needed to have experience in one of the following occupations:

The previous selection was held August 16 — and it was extremely atypical, because invitations were sent out for candidates from strictly defined countries. The passing score then was much lower, only 60. And the last regular provincial selection was held June 8, at which time the pass rate was also much lower than this time, and many more invitations were sent out. And September 7 Saskatchewan held a selection for entrepreneurs.

Continue to follow history of Saskatchewan selections with us to stay up-to-date with the latest information on pass rates and invitation numbers.

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