Canada's population is growing faster than ever

And exceeded 40.5 million people!
Statistics Canada has released its quarterly population report as of October 1. According to the data, Canada's population grew by 430,635 people to more than 40.5 million. This is the most impressive growth in the country's history since 1957.
430,635 people in the first 9 months of 2023-that's more than in the whole of 2022. And this despite the fact that it was considered a record year! This population growth is, of course, due to immigration, and much of it is due to temporary residents, who are more numerous than ever. From January to October, their number increased by 313,000 This may be due to the recently ended policy of simplified residence permits. Most temporary residency was applied for by holders of study and work permits, much less often — applicants for refugee status.
By province
The national population growth rate was 1.1%. This rate was even higher in several provinces: in Alberta (1.3% — that's more than 17,000 people), in Prince Edward Island (1.2%) and in Ontario (1.2%).
However, even in those provinces and territories that didn't grow more than Canada as a whole, the numbers are very impressive. Saskatchewan reported unprecedented growth: up 9,869 people in three months. The province's population has now reached a new all-time high of 1,218,976 — and that number is increasing more rapidly than ever.
Population grew in all regions of the state except the Northwest Territories, where the figure fell 0.5%.
In the third quarter alone (July, August and September), Canada admitted 107,972 immigrants for permanent residence. And from January through September 2023, immigration reached a level of 371,299. That's 79.8% of the IRCC target of 465,000 immigrants for 2023.