International Student Identity Card in Canada

International Student Identity Card in Canada

What is ISIC and how it works

Today students travel to many countries around the world. They come to study, to do internships, or just to relax. And since they are students, they have some privileges. One of the most famous is called ISIC, the International Student Identification Card, which recognizes student status in almost every country in the world.

It was first created by students for students in 1953. Then, back in the fifties, it was an initiative of the Norwegian and Dutch Students' Union. This idea was supported by the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (COSEC) of Denmark.

And at the 3rd International Student Conference, all the participants decided to do whatever was necessary to make the International Student Identity Card available as soon as possible around the world.

When the card appeared, it gave fulltime students around the world access to special discounted airfares. Not only did it make it easier to travel somewhere, but it also stimulated an interest in discovering the world: "Since tickets are cheaper for me, I'll try to travel more," many students thought.

To get the discount, students received an ISIC card and discovered new countries and cultures. Thanks to this, the number of student exchanges increased, different cultures became more active and it accelerated ties between young people from different countries and cultures.

"The mission of the ISIC Association is to provide all bona fide students, regardless of nationality, race, gender or religion, the opportunity to prove their student status anywhere in the world with an official and affordable student status," reads a statement on the official ISIC website.

Today, ISIC provides students, who will get the card, preferential access to museums, galleries and many other attractions in Europe, North America and other parts of the world.

The ISIC Association aims to play a supporting role in improving intercultural understanding, expanding educational opportunities, and facilitating student life around the world. The importance and influence of ISIC has become so great that since 1968. It has been officially recognized and endorsed by UNESCO, one of the most important arms of the United Nations, as well as by national governments, ministries of tourism and education, student organizations and universities around the world.

Five years ago, the card became virtual, making it easier to obtain and use in our global digital age.

This year 2023 is the 70th anniversary of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC).

It is available to students in almost every country in the world. In Canada the card is accepted at all authorized institutions.

If you have decided to study in Canada, you can always consult with our immigration specialist. They will dispel any doubts you may have about applying and help you make one of the best investments of your life, the assets no one will ever take away from you.

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  • #International Student Identity Card
  • #ISIC
  • #International Student Conference
  • #Secretary of National Student Unions
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