International Student Identity Card in Canada

International Student Identity Card in Canada

What is ISIC and how it works

Today students travel to many countries around the world. They come to study, to do internships, or just to relax. And since they are students, they have some privileges. One of the most famous is called ISIC, the International Student Identification Card, which recognizes student status in almost every country in the world.

It was first created by students for students in 1953. Then, back in the fifties, it was an initiative of the Norwegian and Dutch Students' Union. This idea was supported by the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (COSEC) of Denmark.

And at the 3rd International Student Conference, all the participants decided to do whatever was necessary to make the International Student Identity Card available as soon as possible around the world.

When the card appeared, it gave fulltime students around the world access to special discounted airfares. Not only did it make it easier to travel somewhere, but it also stimulated an interest in discovering the world: "Since tickets are cheaper for me, I'll try to travel more," many students thought.

To get the discount, students received an ISIC card and discovered new countries and cultures. Thanks to this, the number of student exchanges increased, different cultures became more active and it accelerated ties between young people from different countries and cultures.

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  • #ISIC
  • #International Student Conference
  • #Secretary of National Student Unions
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  • #higher education in Canada
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  • #Canadian universities