New information about Ontario's June shenanigans has surfaced

On the last day of June, immigration officials posted a second report.
On June 30, the province of Ontario released new information about the immigration draws for June. Previously, only invitations from the Express Entry pool had been reported: two selections of francophone professionals were made in June.
On June 1, 2022, more than 1,000 Canadian graduates received invitations to apply for the nomination:
- 229 graduates with a job offer (minimum provincial Expression of Interest score of 79);
- 217 graduates with a job offer in a specific engineering or job specialty now in demand in Ontario (minimum score of 62);
- 491 Master (minimum score of 38);
- 65 PhD (minimum score of 28).
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On June 29, the province invited 2 foreign professionals eligible for the Economic Mobility Pathways Project (EMPP) refugee program. Both had an offer of employment in Ontario.
On the same day, the province made two more selections. The invitations were extended to 424 Canadian graduates with job offers (provincial Expression of Interest minimum score of 74) and 293 representatives of in-demand professions with job offers (provincial Expression of Interest minimum score of 24).
In total, the province of Ontario invited 12,490 people in 2022. For more information, see the history of selections of the provincial immigration program.