Assess chances

Immigration to Ontario for international students

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Immigration to Ontario for international students

The International Student stream allows foreigners who have graduated and gotten a job offer in Ontario to get permanent residency.

The International Student stream of Ontario's provincial program is for international graduates who have found work in the province.


To immigrate through the International Student stream, you must meet the following requirements:

  • get a job offer in Ontario in a TEER category 0, 1, 2, or 3 occupation according to the NOC classification;
  • complete an academic program at one of the suitable universities in Canada:
    • that takes at least 2 years for undergraduate programs;
    • or that takes at least 1 year for the following programs: graduate degree or diploma, college graduate certificate, university graduate certificate.

Candidate evaluation

Ontario evaluates applicants using the provincial Expression of Interest system, where points are awarded for work experience, level and field of education, specialty, and so on:

Criterion Points
NOC TEER category
TEER 0 or 1 10
TEER 2 or 3 8
NOC broad occupational category
Occupational categories 0, 2, 3 10
Occupational category 7 7
Occupational categories 1, 9 5
Occupational categories 4, 8 4
Occupational categories 5, 6 3
Suggested hourly wage, CAD
$40 or more 10
$35 to $39.99 8
$30 to $34.99 7
$25 to $29.99 6
$20 to $24.99 5
Less than $20 0
Work or study permit in Canada
With a valid work or study permit 10
Without a valid work or study permit 0
Job tenure with job offer employer
6 months or more working in a job offer position 3
Less than 6 months working in job offer position or not currently working in a position 0
Earnings history, CAD
Earnings from $40,000 per year 3
Earning less than $40,000 per year 0
Level of education
PhD 10
Master's degree 8
Bachelor's degree 6
Graduate diploma or certificate, undergraduate diploma or certificate, apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma, college diploma or trades certificate 5
Education below the college level 0
Field of study
Engineering, health, math, computer science, trades 12
All other fields, except arts and humanities 6
Arts and humanities 0
Study experiences in Canada
More than one completed education in Canada 10
One completed education in Canada 5
Language level on the CLB scale
Level 9 or higher 10
Level 8 6
Level 7 4
Level 6 or lower 0
Knowledge of official languages
Proficiency in two languages (English and French) 10
Proficiency in one language 5
Location of employer
Northern Ontario 10
Other areas outside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 8
Inside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 3
Toronto 0
Location of study
Northern Ontario 10
Other areas outside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 8
Inside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 3
Toronto 0

How to apply

If you qualify for the International Student stream, you can create an Expression of Interest account on Ontario's official website.


To learn about other Ontario provincial program streams, see the article "Immigration to Ontario — Canada's provincial program".

  • #Canadian graduate program
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #immigration to Ontario
  • #skilled worker immigration to Canada
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