The magic of waiting. Why are Advent calendars so popular in Canada?

The magic of waiting. Why are Advent calendars so popular in Canada?

Let's talk about one of the top Christmas traditions of recent years.

As December approaches, Canadian store shelves are filled with one of the main attributes of Christmas in recent years — Advent calendars.

These are special calendars designed to count down the days until Christmas. They consist of a certain number of boxes or bags with presents inside. Usually, the calendar starts on December 1 and ends on December 24, but there can be different variations, such as 31 days, from the beginning of December until New Year's Eve, or 7 days, a week before Christmas.

Each day of the month, a person opens the calendar and gets one surprise.

Advent calendar

Why are Advent calendars so popular?

Advent calendars have quickly won the hearts of people all over the world because it is a nice gift that creates a magical atmosphere of waiting for the holiday. In many countries unpacking Advent calendars has become a real Christmas tradition. You can buy such a calendar both for yourself and as a gift.

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