New Immigration draw in Saskatchewan

New Immigration draw in Saskatchewan

The province invites members of the professions it needs.

On September 6, Saskatchewan held a new draw and invited foreign qualified individuals to apply for the province's nomination:

  • 218 candidates with the province's desired profession and proof of education (a passing score of 69);

  • 159 candidates with the province's desired profession, proof of education and registered in the Express Entry system (a passing score of 69).

Saskatchewan needed members of the following professions in this selection:

In addition, the selection for a new pool of health care professionals was passed, and invitations were invited:

  • 240 candidates with a specific profession and proof of education (a passing score of 60);

  • 143 candidates with the province's desired profession, proof of education and registered in the Express Entry system (passing score of 60).

Representatives from the following professions were selected:

This time, luck smiled on 760 foreign applicants.

The last selection took place on September 1: 941 people were invited.

Watch selection history to increase your chances of being nominated by the province.

  • #Saskatchewan
  • #immigration to Saskatchewan
  • #Saskatchewan immigration selections
  • #immigration for professionals in Canada
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