Making it easier to hire foreign workers and other Canadian news

Easier hiring of foreign workers in Canada, job fairs, the latest immigration shenanigans and other news from April 25 to May 1.
The province of Quebec has made it easier to hire immigrants. Now employers can invite even more categories of workers from abroad, without having to prove that they advertised the vacancy and made a great effort to find local specialists. The change will affect jobs for which a high school education and work experience in the profession would normally suffice, such as butchers and waiters. Employers will still have to file a labor market impact assessment, but now it's easier to get one. The new rules will take effect May 24.
Job fairs
By March 2023, Quebec plans to hire 3,000 foreign professionals. To achieve this goal, the province is resuming job fairs for French-speaking job seekers. Quebec has held such fairs in Europe twice a year since 2008. For now, the fairs will be in a virtual format. A total of 17 fairs are planned for 2022 and early 2023. Registration for the events is already open for residents of the Schengen zone and North Africa.
The province of New Brunswick has also announced a virtual job fair. Transportation professionals are needed there. Registration is open; the date of the event has not yet been announced. The link to register is in the article about the fair.
Other jobs
Canada has made it easier to hire teens and young adults. The government funds companies that are willing to hire summer workers between 15 and 30 years old. It's enough to have a Social Security number to get a job. The jobs were specially culled, rejected by about 9,000 employers. In all, there are more than 140,000 jobs posted on the program's website. But Canadian teenagers aren't rushing to fill them yet. The school year is not over yet, and even those options that can be combined with studies and activities are attracting few applicants.
The province of Ontario is short of correctional workers. A financial assistance program for new employees has been launched, each of whom will be able to receive between $4,000 CAD and $15,000 CAD to help them adjust. Employees usually have to move, and the hiring process itself takes six to nine months. It includes many background checks, psychological and physical fitness tests, and eight weeks of training.
Some positions require knowledge of the French language, but most require only a high school education certified in Canada and a work permit. If you pass the tests, you can earn from $29 CAD per hour and receive all the bonuses that government employees are entitled to. Our website has an article detailing the social security package that the Canadian government guarantees to law enforcement and other government employees.
Immigration shenanigans
April 27 Immigration Canada sent out 829 invitations to apply for permanent residency. Again, only provincial nominees were invited.
April 26 B.C. invited 148 professionals from in-demand professions to apply. As in the province's previous targeted selections, technicians, health care workers, veterinarians, animal technicians and kindergarten teachers were invited to apply for nominations.
The province of Ontario held two draws this past week. Both times they invited candidates registered in the Express Entry system. April 26 1,034 candidates who already had experience in Ontario received invitations. April 28 the province was selecting French-speaking professionals.
Immigrant issues
Ukrainians arriving in Canada on emergency entry permits face difficulties. We have already filmed two interviews with Ukrainians in Canada: with Eugene and Yelena.
It turns out that Ukrainians have to pay for medical examinations for immigrants. The public health insurance policies that are available to Ukrainians do not cover these examinations because they are performed by doctors accredited by Immigration Canada. Regular immigrants have medical exams before arriving in Canada, they may even be denied permanent residency if they have health problems. Despite the preferential immigration conditions for Ukrainians, Canada wants everyone who applies for a work permit to have at least a blood test and a chest x-ray. For those who plan to work with people or food, the requirements are stricter.
Inflation and Protests
Inflation in Canada is rising. Owning your own home is becoming less affordable even for Canadians, in large cities few can afford to buy a house or apartment. Rents in metropolitan areas are also high. Canada's housing minister has promised that the rate of construction will double in the next 10 years and said that government investment in this area will pay off for the remaining immigrants.
People are not happy with the government. This weekend there was an attempt to resume demonstrations in downtown Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Event organizers actively participated in a three-week long truckers' strike, which forced the prime minister to declare a state of emergency and invite army units with wreckers to the capital. On April 30, about 350 motorcyclists rode through the city, holding a rally on Parliament Hill. The police were prepared for the event, so everything went on quite peacefully. They arrested 10 people who were banned from Ottawa after the Freedom Convoy. They also towed 39 cars and issued 761 fines to car owners who left them in areas where parking was prohibited these days. Police are searching for those who left graffiti reading "No Refuge for Fascism" and "To Hell with Fascists" on the walls of the Biker Church in a suburb of Ottawa Sunday morning, where participants were going to go to an organized Sunday service.