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Canada in the World History and International Affairs

Canada in the World History and International Affairs

Does Canada form alliances, what values does it stand for, and what interests does it defend ? A look at the Canadian view of the world

Canada is one of the most prosperous countries of Western civilization. After the discovery of America, astonished Europeans who were dissatisfied with the state of affairs at home, whether in Germany, Ireland, Portugal or France flocked to the New World. This has been going on for centuries, and the process is still continuing. Then, a few centuries ago, the former Europeans sought to create a new world, to become a new nation, and they succeeded. The proof? The development of the law, borderless Canadian passport, the development of democracy and the level of freedoms.

It puts Canada among a dozen or so similarly successful countries. Usually Canada is ranked alongside Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden), Northern Europe (Netherlands, Germany), and Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand. You may open any random ranking, from media freedom to the human development index, and you will see that this is almost always the case.

In addition, Canada, the second largest country in the world, has never ruled colonies, but with such a large and noisy neighbor as the United States, Maple Leaf country has an image of a peaceful and neutral country and, to be honest, Canada has essentially never had a reputational loss.

International Relations and the point of view

Nevertheless, Canada, though an independent and sovereign country, is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. It could be said that Canada is a member of a large family where the head of the family is already old and does not influence kids much. Everyone has grown up, and everyone is already content. The fact that Canada belongs to the British Crown forms the fundamental basis of Canadian identity and the Canadians' worldview.

In general, Canada's world view coincides with that of its main partner, its neighbor and sister the United States of America, the countries of United Europe and major Commonwealth countries. It is impossible to imagine the world today without UN, NATO and IMF and it was Canada one of the countries to launch those organizations as well as many others, including the World Health Organization, the Organization of American States, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

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