Working as an accountant in Canada

Working as an accountant in Canada

Almost every Canadian and business needs the services of an accountant. What else do you need to know about the demand for this profession in Canada? ? Find out in our article!

The accounting profession is in high demand in Canada. Not only do these professionals play an important role in all types of businesses, they are also needed by ordinary Canadians who need help filling out a lot of tax documents every year.

The fact is that Canada's tax system is based on the principle of self-assessment. This means that people fill out a tax return each year to report their annual income to the government, claim deductions or exemptions, and calculate whether they owe tax or can hope to get a refund. Many Canadians cannot do this on their own, so they hire accountants.

In this article, we'll look at:

  • categories of accountants in Canada;
  • the accountant's salary;
  • job responsibilities;
  • areas in which accountants work in Canada;
  • eligibility requirements;
  • programs for immigration.

At the moment, accountants, like many other administrative professions, are facing the problem of work automation, which could significantly impact the profession's demand over the next decade. Yet while technology has reduced the need for accountants to perform trivial accounting tasks, it has increased the demand for skilled workers who can understand new technology and work with new systems. This fact says this: even if there are fewer jobs in this field in the future, those who remain will be better paid. But at the same time, they will be required to have higher qualifications and the job will involve more responsibility.

Categories of accountants in Canada

In Canada, there is a division of accountants into two categories:bookkeeper and accountant. In this article, we're going to talk about the first category -bookkeeper. But first, let's find out what their differences are.

Both words translate to "accountant", but the responsibilities of these professions are different.

Bookkeeper and accountant sometimes do the same job. But as a rule, the main task isbookkeeper is the accounting for transactions and the financial organization, whileaccountant provides advice, analysis and is more qualified to advise on tax matters.

Accountant Performs more complicated and complex tasks: plans, organizes and administers accounting systems for individuals and companies.

Bookkeeper in turn maintains complete sets of ledgers, accounting records, reviews procedures used to record financial transactions, and provides personal ledger services. Bookkeeper also assists with the completion of tax returns.

Accountant salary

The salary of an accountant in Canada depends on experience, education, location and employer. According to the official Job Bank website, the average salary for an accountant in Canada is $38,504 CAD/year or $3,200 CAD/month.

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