BC PNP Tech: immigration to British Columbia for IT workers

BC PNP Tech: immigration to British Columbia for IT workers

Qualified IT professionals can immigrate to Canada through the BC PNP Tech program.

British Columbia's technology sector is a major driver of economic growth in the province, with employment in the industry being very high. The BC PNP Tech program allows IT professionals to get permanent residency in British Columbia.


To apply for the BC PNP Tech, you must receive a job offer in British Columbia in one of the following occupations:

How the program works and how to apply

BC PNP Tech is not a separate immigration stream. You must first decide which stream of provincial immigration program you are eligible for:

Then you can apply for the chosen stream. You will be assessed according to its evaluating system. If your occupation is eligible for the Tech program, your application will be processed in priority order, and you will be invited in a special Tech draw.


To learn about other BC's provincial program streams, see "Immigration to British Columbia — Canada's provincial program (BC PNP)".

  • #BC PNP Tech Pilot
  • #programmer immigration to Canada
  • #BC PNP
  • #BC Provincial Nominee Program
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