Canada at the top of countries in population growth

Canada at the top of countries in population growth

The number of non-permanent residents reached 2.2 million.

Statistics Canada has released another report in which it counted the number of non-permanent residents (NPR). These are citizens of other countries living in Canada. They all fall into three broad groups: those with work permits, those who entered for study and refugees. All together, the sociological service counted 2,198,679 people — almost 2.2 million!

Why it's important.

This year the statistical service has improved the method of calculation. It turned out that previously the number of temporary residents in Canada was greatly underestimated by sociologists. As a result, compared to 2021, the number of non-permanent residents increased by a million — or 46%. However, it's not just a matter of counting errors. The frequency of work and study permits has also increased over the year.

A sober assessment of the number of temporary residents will have implications for Canadian public policy. It will help improve planning for immigration, the economy, the labor market and housing.

How many Canadians are there in total?

Combined, the latest count shows that there are 40.1 million people living in Canada (40,097,761 to be exact). That's more than a million more than there were as of July 1, 2022 or 2.9% more. The 40 million figure was reached in June 2023.

This means that Canada continues to lead the G7 countries in population growth, and is among the 20 countries with the highest population growth in the world. Sociologists estimate that if the trend continues, the number of Canadians will double in 25 years.

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  • #life in Canada
  • #Canadian statistics
  • #Canadian population
  • #Canadian population growth
  • #top countries for population growth
  • #non-permanent residents of Canada
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #newcomers to Canada