Where do international graduates live and work in Canada?

The research showed in which provinces former students settle and find employment.
The Conference Board of Canada has found out where international students live and work after they graduate.
The research found that one year after graduation, 60% to 85% of former students remain in the province where they studied. Some of them continue learning, and some of them find a job.
The provinces with the highest retention rate are Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta. Retention below 70% was found in New Brunswick and three northern territories of Canada: Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories. The rest of the regions boast that they retain between 70% and 80% of their graduates.
Interestingly, even after three years, more than half of the former students continue to live in the region where they initially came to study. The exceptions are the Atlantic provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. From there, graduates are more likely to leave after three years. Among those who decide to change provinces of residence, most seek to move to Ontario and Alberta.
International graduates are excellent candidates for immigration to Canada, so provincial governments do everything possible to retain them. After graduation from university or college, students receive a Post-Graduation Work Permit in Canada.
After a year of work, graduates can apply to the federal Canadian Experience Class immigration program. There are also many provincial immigration programs available to them.
If you want to enter a Canadian college, contact us. We can help you with admission, improving your English, and obtaining a study visa.