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New Canadian embassies in Europe, record number of vacancies and other news

New Canadian embassies in Europe, record number of vacancies and other news

We tell you about the main events from June 27 to July 3.

The province of British Columbia has announced new payments for Ukrainians. After receiving a one-time payment from the federal government, you can apply for and receive up to $935 CAD per person. The province is willing to pay the benefit for up to six months.

On July 1, Canada celebrated its national holiday. On this day 155 years ago, four provinces united to become the Dominion, a state within the British Empire. For two years, there were no celebrations or concerts because of the pandemic. In 2021, a rethinking of Canada Day began due to the coincidental discovery of the graves of indigenous children. Just 25 years ago, they were torn from their families and tried to be raised in a European culture in boarding schools. That's why some cities held events on Canada Day in 2022 to commemorate indigenous children. And somewhere, like Montreal, they didn't celebrate at all, citing financial problems and the risk of a coronavirus outbreak. In Ottawa, Canada's capital, the Freedom Convoy protests, which occupied downtown for three weeks in February, were expected to resume. But the protesters only marched with placards through the streets.

Canada's two largest carriers are cutting dozens of daily flights, primarily domestic. Despite all the efforts of the federal government, flights are constantly being rescheduled, luggage is lost. People stuck on connections are not offered hotels or meals. More than 1,000 new employees have been hired, random testing at airports has been temporarily canceled, and additional self-check-in kiosks have been installed. A mobile app for those arriving in Canada now allows you to fill out declarations in advance. Nevertheless, between June 22 and 28, more than half of the flights at Canada's six largest airports were rescheduled, 38% were delayed and 16% were cancelled completely. Perhaps eliminating the mandatory electronic vaccination status questionnaires would have helped, as border guards complain that they have to help people fill out the forms. But the government has announced that it is extending this anti-vaccination measure until at least September 30, 2022.

Another epidemiological restriction that affects dogs and their owners will go into effect in September. Beginning September 28, 2022, it will be illegal to bring commercial dogs into Canada from countries with a high risk of rabies. These include Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Human rights activists are trying to get the ban lifted, as bringing stray animals into Canada from other countries for future adoption is considered a commercial activity.

Immigration shenanigans

Information about all the selections held in June by the province of Ontario has appeared. There were two drawings for francophone professionals: 153 people were invited on June 9 and 356 on June 21. Both invitations were extended to professionals in specific professions: teachers and educators, translators, computer engineers, software developers, medical technologists, and nurses.

June 1 and June 29, the province invited more than 1,000 graduates from Canadian universities. The invitations were extended to 653 graduates with job offers, 217 in-demand majors, 491 masters and 65 advanced degree holders. A total of 293 in-demand professionals with job offers and two professionals with job offers who are eligible for the refugee program also received invitations on June 29.

The province of British Columbia June 28 held a general immigration screening, a targeted screening for health professionals and daycare providers, and a screening for entrepreneurs. The province sent out 159 invitations in the general screening, and in the targeted screening it selected 17 early childhood educators and assistants and six health care professionals. The province also selected fewer than five business investors willing to open a business in one of the cities participating in the regional pilot project.

Three B.C. communities have joined the regional entrepreneurial project.

Unemployment and vacancies

Inflation and prices in Canada are rising, wages have yet to catch up. You can see food prices on our Telegram channel, subscribe if you haven't already.

Canada's unemployment rate has fallen to record lows, with the number of job openings also breaking records. There are so many that 77% of employers are willing to hire people without experience or special education. Statistics Canada recorded 957,500 job openings in the first quarter of the year, the highest quarterly total ever recorded. At the same time, there are only 409,000 potential workers in Canada. Getting a job offer in Canada and a work visa while abroad is difficult, but possible.

New Embassies

At the NATO summit, Russia was declared the main threat to the alliance. In response, Canada announced an increase in its military contingent in Latvia and opened four embassies next to Russia. Canada already had diplomatic missions in Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia, and an honorary consul in Armenia. Now these countries will open embassies with permanent ambassadors.

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  • #emigration to Canada
  • #permanent residency in Canada
  • #jobs in Canada
  • #Canadian embassies in Europe
  • #new Canadian embassies
  • #immigration selections in Canada