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Top 5 Ways to Move to Canada

Top 5 Ways to Move to Canada

Information from an immigration consultant!

Top 5 reliable ways to move to Canada that will suit almost everyone: skilled professionals, workers, students, entrepreneurs, families and singles. Canada is extremely interested in bringing in new immigrants.

Every year the government officially admits more than 400,000 people who are immediately granted permanent residency. There are more than 120 immigration programs in Canada, some of them do not even have language or age requirements. So almost anyone can move to Canada.

Programs without additional requirements

I will start with the best option where you just have to fill out the forms with your personal information. Then you send your application for immigration to Canada. Most of the time this is done for free and online, you don't even have to leave your home. The Canadian government will review your documents and ask for your passport to put an immigrant visa on it. With this visa, you arrive in Canada and are immediately granted permanent residency. Until then, you can continue to stay in your country and do the same things you were doing before.

Of course, I am simplifying things, because the consideration of documents can take not just months, but years. For example, my family has been waiting for a visa for over 5 years. Now the waiting time has decreased, but you will still have to be patient. You will also need to pass medical and security clearance, and show you have the money you will need for the first time of life in Canada. The Canadian government doesn't want people who are deadbeat and won't take welfare money. If you are having trouble with finances, the following is a way to move to Canada without money.

But back to the first option of immigration. A stricter criterion for selecting people to invite is the point system that many selection programs have. Points are awarded for age, profession, education, knowledge of English and French, whether you have relatives in Canada, whether you have a work contract in Canada, etc.

If you score less than a certain number of points, you are considered ineligible for the program. For example, if you are over 45 years old and your English is below average, you may not receive points for these parameters. But remember, there are a large number of immigration programs and all scores are calculated differently. There are programs where language and age are not assessed at all.

Immigration through education

The second way to immigrate to Canada is through getting a Canadian education. First you fly to Canada as a student, study 1-3 years, work part-time in your spare hours and then get a full work permit after you graduate from college. There are immigration programs designed for students. You will also get extra points for Canadian education and work experience if you are considering regular permanent residency programs.

Going to college is one of the best ways not just to immigrate, but to adjust to a new country. Be sure to check out a tour of the institution my husband and I enrolled in in Toronto.

Immigration through sponsorship

A third way to move to Canada is through family sponsorship. If you have close relatives in Canada or find a Canadian spouse, it will help you get a permanent residence in Canada.

Business immigration

The next way to immigrate to Canada is suitable for entrepreneurs: both self-employed and those who run a large business. There are a number of immigration programs available for you. For example, if you are a self-employed successful artist, photographer, coach or have your own unique dance course, Canada is interested in you. Points count for this program too, but they can be earned by anyone. I know a girl who did not speak English but managed to move to Toronto because her profession suited the requirements of the program — she was a director at the Sochi Olympics.

Holders of large capitals can immigrate under the Investor Program or Startup Visa.

Immigration through employment

And the fifth way to move to Canada, which I believe is one of the strongest, is immigration through employment. First you need to find a Canadian employer and come on a work visa. When you accumulate about a year of work experience in Canada, many more immigration programs will open up for you.

To find out which way is right for you and to find the best strategy for immigration, sign up for a consultation.

Ivanna Pavlenko, Canadian Licensed Immigration Consultant

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  • #ways to immigrate to Canada
  • #ways to move to Canada
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  • #immigration to Canada through employment
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  • #business immigration to Canada
  • #immigration to Canada for entrepreneurs