The application limit for the new immigration flow has been exhausted

Canada received tens of thousands of applications on the first day.
On May 6, Canada launched 6 new immigration streams for Canadian university graduates and candidates with Canadian work experience in in-demand professions. The programs run until November 5, 2021, but each stream has an application limit, upon exhaustion of which enrollment closes.
In the stream for Canadian graduates, the limit of 40,000 applications ended the very next day, May 7. No more applications can be submitted, but recruitment remains open for French-speaking candidates, as there is no limit on it.
Also, as of May 10, Immigration Canada is still accepting flow applications for specialists in high-demand professions:
- healthcare professionals — limit of 20,000 applications;
- specialists in other fields — limit of 30,000 applications;
- French-speaking health professionals — no limit;
- French-speaking professionals in other fields — no limit.