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Pilot jobs in Canada

Pilot jobs in Canada

The demand for airline pilots in Canada increases every year. Learn about the salaries and working conditions for these professionals.

Pilots are ranked 11th out of 17 on the list of the most in-demand professions in Canada. The high demand for professionals in this field remains due to their early retirement age: the average age of workers is 44 years, and pilots usually retire at the age of 60, freeing up new positions.

Also, despite the high cost of air travel within Canada, air travel is better than other modes of transport. Canadians therefore prefer to travel either by car or by plane.

Working for one of Canada's airlines, you will also receive many perks. For example, Air Canada offers its employees medical and dental benefits, generous travel programs, special airfare prices, discounts on car rentals and hotel stays, and special deals on travel packages.

From this article you will learn:

  • the level of pilot salaries in Canada;
  • of the workplace;
  • employment requirements;
  • options for obtaining a pilot's license;
  • places to get an education as a pilot.

Pilot salaries

The salary of an airline pilot in Canada depends on various factors: experience, airline and the location of the employer. Experienced pilots can earn several tens of thousands of CAD more than novice pilots.

According to official information, airline pilots in Canada earn on average $107,299 CAD per year or $8,941 CAD per month.

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  • #Pilot jobs in Canada
  • #Pilot jobs in Canada
  • #Pilot jobs in Canada
  • #Pilot salaries in Canada
  • #Canadian job market
  • #jobs in Canada
  • #in-demand jobs in Canada