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Family sponsorship invitations are now closed

Family sponsorship invitations are now closed

Thousands of candidates have received invitations, but dozens of times more are still waiting.

The lottery for the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program (PGP) to move to Canada is now closed. The invitation sending started on October 12 and ran through October 20. This year, Canada is ready to approve 15,000 sponsors to move their relatives to the country.

The PGP sponsorship program is for those who are already living in Canada as permanent residents or citizens and want to help their parents and grandparents move. In doing so, the applicant agrees to assume the cost of supporting the relatives.

This year, 23,100 invitations were sent out. Canada sent them with a margin to exactly meet its goal of approving 15,000 sponsors. The official website reports that there were a total of 182,113 candidates in the pool who had expressed their interest to become sponsors back in 2020.

Invitations to the selected candidates have been sent to emails. If you applied, be sure to check your email, including the junk folder. You can also find out if you were invited on Canada's website by your application number. If you received an invitation, you need to submit your full application on the online portal.

Those who have not received an invitation may consider for their relatives getting a Super Visa for 10 years, which entitles them to enter Canada multiple times and to stay in the country continuously for up to 5 years.

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  • #Canada news
  • #immigration to Canada
  • #family sponsorship in Canada
  • #permanent residency in Canada
  • #family reunion in Canada
  • #PGP program in Canada
  • #sponsoring relatives to Canada
  • #sponsoring parents to move to Canada
  • #PGP lottery in Canada
  • #application for sponsoring relatives to Canada