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How immigrants chose a car in Canada in 2014

How immigrants chose a car in Canada in 2014

A married couple drives around in a newly purchased car and talks about what other options were considered for purchase. Among them: Mazda 6, Honda Accord, Nissan Altima, Toyota Camry, Honda Civic and Mazda 3.

This is a transcript of the 2014 video. If you need more up-to-date information on buying a car in Canada, we recommend:

A married couple. Dialogue in the car during a trip. The husband begins:

— Why is gas so cheap here? I'll have to fill up the tank on the way back.

— Even if we have gasoline.

— Realistically, we have $1.32 CAD, and here we have $1.29 CAD.

— So, Vladimir, the second point is the car.

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