This woman is more influential than Trudeau and Parliament

This woman is more influential than Trudeau and Parliament

Who is Mary Simon and why does she have almost unlimited power in her hands?

Photo: Cpl Valerie Mailhot, Rideau Hall, OSGG-BSGG

Recently, we wrote an article about how Mary addressed Canadians. Not all of our readers, and not all Canadians, understand who this sweet gray-haired woman who looks like an elementary school teacher is. In fact, she is the most influential person in Canada, who can dismiss Justin Trudeau and the entire Parliament, and has the same powers as the King. She is a prominent figure not only for her native Canada, but also for Britain.

Even under the late Queen Elizabeth, Simon was honored with a great privilege — she was elected Governor General of Canada. Yes, according to its political structure, Canada remains a monarchy that is subordinate to the British Crown. The Governor General is the head of the executive branch of the country, who reports only to the King or Queen. Next in line is the King's Privy Council for Canada, and only then the Prime Minister and Parliament. So Justin Trudeau is not the top person in Canada. The most important person in the country after the King is Inuk Mary Simon.

As a representative of the ruling monarch, the Governor General under the English Crown has almost unlimited powers. They have all the rights of the monarch and can "borrow" the royal power in the interests of the ruler and the people of the country. For example, the Governor General can dismiss the Prime Minister. Such cases are rare, but they have occurred in the past century.

Now Simon is 75 years old, but she still retains her brilliant mind and energy. Canadians treat her well: she is known for her diplomatic and human rights activities, balanced decisions, and a willingness to compromise. She knows how to be uncompromising in matters of Canada's well-being, and soft when it comes to reaching an agreement among the country's residents.

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  • #politics of Canada
  • #political system of Canada
  • #Canadian politics
  • #Governor General of Canada
  • #Mary Simon
  • #monarchy in Canada
  • #King Charles
  • #Justin Trudeau
  • #political elite of Canada