Children's rights in Canada

How children live in Canada and what rights parents are obliged to respect.
In Canada, children are the most important members of society, because the future of the state depends on them. They also grow up in Canada, unlike immigrant parents, and therefore become bearers of Canadian values. The country has high expectations of its young citizens and is committed to protecting them in every way possible. Ordinary Canadians do the same. The fact is that Canada's population is slowly aging, although retirees are working longer hours, so children and youth are worth their weight in gold.
In this article, we'll talk about children's rights and parents' responsibilities in Canada so that you don't make mistakes after immigration and take advantage of the opportunities available to you.
Education and circles
Public and Catholic schools all over the country are free and offer a very good secular education. They have many clubs and activities that are cheap or even free. A child can do many things: from professional sports to acting, from cooking to programming.
If your child is doing well in school, help him or her choose a club that will help him or her get into a good university, get a scholarship, and be successful in the job market in the future. After-school activities can give your children good skills that will help them in later life.
Kindergartens in some provinces are quite expensive, so sometimes families hire a nanny to save money.
Mental Health
In addition, schools have consultants and psychologists who receive students free of charge. Among other things, they provide career counseling and help children choose a future vector of education. In Canada, school psychologists don't just draw flowers and give kids weird tests. They have serious powers: for example, they can report a violation of a child's rights to the police or send him or her to a psychiatric evaluation if they see that he or she is developing a mental illness. Do not worry, no one will pump your child full of unnecessary pills: drugs are chosen very strictly and are not prescribed without an acute need. The child will first be offered psychotherapy, an individual study vector, and special techniques to help with ADHD and depression. If the child needs medication, in some cases he or she will be able to get it for free.
Child benefits
Citizens and residents have access to various forms of social support intended for children. We have already written about Child Benefits in Canada. Also, children from low-income families can receive dental services for free or at a great discount.
No to Domestic Violence
In Canada, children cannot be beaten or physically punished; it is against the law and subject to criminal penalties. Parents who abuse children risk losing their parental rights. You can slap a child who is reaching to steal cookies from the table before a meal, but hitting them with a belt is definitely not allowed. If neighbors or teachers notice that a child is being abused, they will report it to the police, who will initiate legal action.

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There are other ways of parenting that are designed to prepare them for adulthood. For example, there are financial sanctions or deprivation of entertainment. If a child misbehaves, parents are more likely to take away their tablet or forbid them to go out with friends, rather than raise their hand. This is not without logic: when your child becomes an adult, he or she will not be beaten up for misbehavior but may be subjected to other punishments. For example, the boss can fire the offending subordinate, deprive them f a bonus or deduct a part of their salary. Canadians believe that it is better to let your child know right away that he or she is responsible for his or her misdeeds with property and freedom of action.
At what age can a child be left alone at home or on the street?
There is no single law that defines this age. In most provinces, it is 12 years. Previously the limit was up to 14 years, but it has already been lowered.
Children's health is protected by law
In Canada, it is not recommended that children extract their own baby teeth. It is not punishable by law, but it is believed that medical procedures should be performed by specialists.
It is also forbidden to self-medicate or interfere with a child's right to health care.
Can parents in Canada refuse to vaccinate their children?
In Canada, parents cannot refuse certain vaccinations for their children without a good reason. There are some vaccinations that are mandatory, and some that are optional. For example, you and your children can get a free seasonal shot against the new strain of flu, but it is not required.
Different provinces may have different rules, but usually, children who attend kindergarten or school must be vaccinated against certain diseases, such as measles, rubella, mumps, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. In some provinces, there are exceptions for religious or medical reasons, but in this case, parents must provide appropriate documentation.
If parents refuse to vaccinate their children without a good reason, legal steps can be taken to protect the health and safety of the child. In some provinces, doctors may refuse to accept such children for an appointment and recommend that they see another doctor. Also, in some cases, social services can intervene and take action to protect the child's health if the parents do not provide the necessary medical care.
Can parents refuse to have their children hospitalized?
In Canada, parents cannot refuse to hospitalize their child if the child's medical condition requires medical intervention and treatment. Under Canadian law, the state has the right to intervene if the situation poses a threat to the child's life or health. If the parents do not agree to the hospitalization, the doctors can go to court to get permission to treat the child.
Can parents force a child to follow a certain diet, such as veganism?
Parents can recommend a certain diet to a child, but they cannot force the child to follow it if it poses a threat to the child's health. In Canada, it is a legal requirement that parents cannot refuse necessary treatment for their children based on religious or personal beliefs. If a medical professional concludes that a certain diet, or lack thereof, threatens a child's health, he or she has the right to go to court to obtain a treatment order for the child.
Can parents in Canada stop a child from attending school? Is there a practice for homeschooling children?
In Canada, children must be educated between the ages of 6 and 18 in accordance with the laws of the province in which they live. Parents cannot prohibit a child from receiving a school education, as it is against the law.
However, in some provinces of Canada, there is a practice of homeschooling where parents provide education for their children themselves using educational materials and methods approved by the local educational authorities. In this case, parents are obliged to provide their children with an education that meets the requirements of the provincial curriculum.
Rights of LGBT children
The bad news for conservative parents is that LGBT rights are protected by law in this country, including for children. Discrimination against people on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited in Canada and is considered a violation of human rights. If parents discriminate against their child because of his or her LGBT status, there can be serious consequences. The child can seek help from a school psychologist or counselor, an LGBT rights organization, or a family lawyer. If the parents violate the rights of such a child, they can be prosecuted under human rights legislation in Canada.
In some Canadian provinces, such as Ontario, a child can start a transgender transition on his or her own at age 16, including hormone therapy. In other provinces, such as British Columbia, it is possible for children aged 12 to 16 with parental or guardian consent.
In any case, the process of transgender transition usually involves several steps, including consultation with medical professionals, psychologists, and support from social workers. The decision to begin a transgender transition is usually made after careful consideration of medical and psychological information, including the child's wishes and needs and his or her decision-making abilities.