Soon Canada's new citizens will be able to take the oath with one click

As early as June, it will be possible to take the oath to Canada on your own online, without a citizenship judge.
The change is due to an attempt by the immigration authorities to shorten the time required to process documents and avoid long queues.
But the innovation has its critics, who believe that clicking on the keyboard "devalues" the process of taking the oath of citizenship and dilute the meaning of Canadian citizenship.
"Getting citizenship in Canada is becoming as easy as the process of signing up for Facebook or TikTok," says Daniel Bernhard, CEO of the Canadian Citizenship Institute.
However, this innovation, which is associated with the modernization and digitization of the immigration process, will speed up the process of obtaining citizenship by as much as 3 months.
The oath of citizenship has been a legal requirement for citizenship in Canada since 1947. It is a solemn oath of citizenship applicants to follow the laws of the country and to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship.
Obtaining citizenship is not only a significant step for new immigrants, but it also gives them all the benefits of a Canadian passport, the right to vote and the opportunity to run for office.